Register your family for a cozy movie night!
Join us on Sunday, October 6th in Cornerstone's Worship Center for a viewing of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (PG). This event is designed for the whole family and your friends, so send invitations to your neighbors, snuggle up in your coziest pajamas, bring your favorite blankets and stuffed animals, and get ready for an adventure to Narnia!
Cornerstone Kids will be providing pizza, popcorn, and drinks. You are welcome to bring any other snacks or drinks that you might need or want.
Cornerstone Kids will be providing pizza, popcorn, and drinks. You are welcome to bring any other snacks or drinks that you might need or want.
Serving Opportunities
We will need people to serve in the following areas for this event:
If you are available to serve in one of these areas, please contact Ashleigh MacGillivray.
- Set Up (preparing kitchen: popping popcorn, setting up counter, etc.)
- Greeters
- Food Servers in Kitchen (continue popping popcorn throughout the film, refresh drinks, etc.)
- Tear Down (vacuuming floor, trash, cleaning up remaining food)
If you are available to serve in one of these areas, please contact Ashleigh MacGillivray.