Cornerstone Kids

Helping kids discover and delight in God

We want children to know Jesus intimately.

At Cornerstone Kids, we believe in partnering with families to help kids discover and delight in God. We are passionate about loving children, empowering them to think critically and creatively, and seeing the gospel transform the lives of our children as they learn about their Savior, Jesus Christ. We want children to know Jesus intimately. For this reason, our curriculum is Bible-based, gospel-centered, and filled with enriching experiences that will personalize children's learning.

What to Expect on Sundays


Nursery and preschool staff are paid professionals who are trained and background-checked. The nursery is cleaned routinely and provides age-appropriate toys and enrichment.

  • We provide nursery care for children from birth to two years old.
  • We provide preschool care for children two to four years old.
  • Check-in begins at 8:40am and ends at 9:10am.

  • We provide nursery care for children from birth to two years old.
  • We provide preschool care for children two to four years old.
  • Check-in begins at 10:40am and ends at 11:15am.

There is a check-in counter downstairs that is supervised by the Children’s Ministry Director or volunteer.
Check-in is digital so children receive a name tag with a unique security code. This security code is printed for parents to present at check-out for security purposes.
The Children’s Ministry Director or volunteer will then direct families to the nursery where nursery staff will receive them.

If you prefer to keep your child with you and need a place to feed, change, or soothe your baby during worship, take advantage of our Family Room at the back of the Worship Center (lefthand side). We keep it stocked with supplies so that you have everything you need to care for your child and still participate in the service!
Please note that the window is two-way glass.


All Sunday School volunteers have received background checks and are trained in classroom management, emergency protocols, and child safety.  

  • Check-in is from 8:40am-9:10am supervised by the Children’s Ministry Director or volunteer. 
  • Located at the counter downstairs. 
  • Check-in is digital so children receive a name tag and parents will receive a unique security code to present at check-out. 
  • The Children’s Ministry Director or volunteer will then direct families to the large group room where two or more volunteers will receive them. 

  • Each month of Sunday School revolves around a central theme and Bible verse. 
  • Children create hand motions for every verse and teach the motions to the class. They then practice their verse for the duration of the month.
  • At the end of each month, we conduct a Bible Verse Ceremony during which children will individually recite that month's Bible verse in front of their class and families. 
    • Upon successful recitation, children receive a certificate of recognition signed by the Children’s Ministry Director.
    • The ceremonies are from 10:15am-10:35am every last Sunday of the month.

  • We are currently using The Biggest Story Bible Storybook Curriculum to walk through God's Big Story. 
  • We connect each lesson by creating monthly themes that are broken down into four to five connected lessons taught each Sunday morning.
    • These connected lessons revolve around their own “Bottom Line” that we want children to walk away knowing; this is a one-sentence life application statement that communicates an important truth about God.
  • We supplement Bible lessons with science experiments, games, and crafts that further enrich our learning.
  • We use a variety of Bibles to help us learn about God. These include The Action Bible, The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, The Jesus Storybook Bible, and The Hands-On Bible.

  • When the service is over, parents will pick up their children in the large group room by presenting their unique security code. 
  • Children leave with a take-home bag that includes an events flyer, newsletter outlining our lesson, and materials to continue working on their lessons at home.

Cornerstone Kids Music Program

Following Sunday School, kids have the option to be escorted to music class. Here, they learn how to read music and engage with various instruments. They will prepare material to sing or play during our church services throughout the year. Music class is from 10:15 to 10:50am in the choir room downstairs and is led by Deb Harris, the director of Traditional Worship, and a children's ministry volunteer. Contact Deb Harris or Ashleigh MacGillivray if you are interested in participating!

Serve in the Children's Ministry!

Serve in

Want to impact the next generation?
Volunteer in our Cornerstone Kids program! From Sunday School to Eagle Lake Day Camp, Hunt a Trunk, and Trunk or Treat - we have a role for you!

Resources for Parents and Guardians

Parents and Guardians, here are some resources to encourage you and help you reinforce the lessons your children are learning each week!

Parent Cue

Parents Cue provides articles and inspiration to continue teaching your kids at home.

The Action Bible

Check out new Action Bible resources as well as family devotions and activities!

New City Catechism

Explore this modern-day resource aimed at teaching core doctrines of faith to our kids.


If you have further questions concerning our Cornerstone Kids experience, we encourage you to click the button below. We look forward to seeing you soon!